Many people will experience losing a tooth, and having multiple teeth missing is not uncommon. Losing a tooth can be a very painful and inconvenient experience, but fortunately there are many ways to restore the mouth to its original function.
The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology estimates that one in four people between the ages of 20 and 44 will lose an adult tooth. There are many reasons that a tooth can become loose or fall out, including oral health issues, accidents, or gum disease.
We will talk about the reasons why people lose teeth, the various treatment options available for missing teeth, and what to expect during dental surgery.
Reasons we lose teeth are: cracked teeth from stress, untreated gum disease, large cavities, infected teeth, or extreme tooth wear from stress.
One of the most common ways people lose teeth are from cracked teeth, which are often caused by stress. This happens when tooth enamel is damaged, usually by chewing pressures. Braces, fillings, broken dentures, and other things can all lead to stress fractures in teeth. Untreated gum disease can also lead to tooth loss due to inflammation that results in bone loss around the jawbone.
One or two of your adult teeth may not have formed. Missing teeth can cause misaligned bites and lead to other dental problems. If you’re missing one or two teeth, there are treatments that can help restore the function and appearance of your mouth.
When we have missing teeth, it can be a real pain. We want to fill those spaces and we want to do it fast. Options to replace missing teeth are: a partial denture, a denture, a bridge resting on the nearby teeth, or dental implants. One of the best solutions is dentures.
Some people are better candidates for partial dentures or dentures for various reasons, including those who can’t maintain dental health due to age or illness. A partial denture is a set of artificial teeth that are connected by metal clasps to a gum bed made from acrylic resin. The rest of the person’s own teeth may be either removed or kept in place with crowns and other types of dental work.
Partial dentures and dentures are removable prosthetics that rest on your gums and have artificial teeth that look and function like regular teeth. These artificial teeth will last for years, but over time they may need to be replaced.
It is important to get the best type of dentures to suit your needs and lifestyle. The two main types of dentures are: Partial Dentures and Full Dentures. A partial denture is a removable appliance that replaces missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw, whereas a full denture replaces all missing teeth in both jaws.
These are custom made in the dental office, and they are made only to fit your mouth. We are happy to be able to provide this service for our patients, because it will help restore function and appearance of teeth if any are needed to be removed.
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Barrett Family Dental is here to provide the care and compassion that you deserve. We strive to make going to the dentist fun again and would love the opportunity to show you our commitment to you and your family.
Monday 8:30 am -4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am -4:30 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 8:30 am -3:00 pm
Fri, Sat & Sun: Closed