Extractions at Barrett Family Dental

Extractions in Red Bud, Illinois

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. Reasons for tooth extraction are: a cracked tooth from stress, untreated gum disease, a large cavity, an infected tooth, or extreme tooth wear from stress.

Dental extraction is the process of removing teeth by various methods. It is most commonly done in order to:

  • Relieve pain for an abscessed tooth
  • Realign teeth in the jaw after orthodontic work
  • Prepare someone for dentures
  • Remove teeth that are severely broken or damaged beyond repair
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Removing wisdom teeth is called dental extraction and is performed with local anesthesia. Generally speaking, it’s quick and painless. The process can be done with or without general anesthesia depending on what you are comfortable with. Sedation might be necessary if your teeth are severely damaged or infected.

A tooth extraction is a common procedure, with 20 million performed each year in the US alone. Occasionally, if a tooth is damaged or diseased to the point that it cannot be saved, an extraction may be considered as an option. This sometimes happens when the tooth’s protection is weakened due to trauma or having teeth spaced too closely together.

The tooth extraction procedure can be completed in 3 to 5 days. During the procedure, your dentist will numb the surrounding area and then use a tool to break and remove the tooth from its socket. The dentist may also need to cut any gum tissue that is still connecting it to your mouth.

Sometimes you’ll have multiple teeth extracted during a single procedure. This is a rare situation, but for some patients it’s the only way to go if they’re suffering from severe tooth decay.

Teeth can be extracted to prevent further damage to the mouth. When teeth are no longer in good condition, they put you at risk of oral infections which can also cause conditions such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. A dentist will remove the tooth after numbing it with an anesthetic, typically Novocaine.

We’ll always do what we can to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Manual extractions may cause slight pressure, but we’ll stop and adjust if you need us to.

Options After An Extraction

Once a tooth is lost, you have a few options to replace it. You’ll either want to wear part of a denture, use false teeth and anchor them with your remaining teeth, or get an implant.

Missing teeth can be restored with a variety of dental procedures, for instance wearing a partial denture or using a bridge fixed to teeth near the missing ones.

Dental procedures are necessary when teeth are lost or damaged beyond repair. It is possible to restore even missing teeth with the help of bridges, partial dentures, extractions, and dental implants.

We are able to provide you with all of these treatment options and whichever treatments you receive, we will make sure you have a good experience during the process!

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